The Real Mother Father God

Our beloved Kathryn E. May; whom we have not heard from in a few years, was one of the “grandmother” of the light.

She single-handed channeled for years the “Company of Heaven”, and in particular the spirits of Mother and of Father God through her book and website – (which is now inactive).

Her work was rescued and re-posted on this website, for the benefit of humanity, for her labor of love represents the “grade-school” to the lightworkers on this planet. By listening to her channelings, one may gain scope and understanding of the basics of our real heavenly parents, our heavenly family, friends, and about the real state and situation of our planet.

We are eternally grateful beloved sister Kathryn and we send you our prayers! To listen to her channelings, please click here –

Kathryn E. May
Thank you grandma for teachings us about our REAL and loving Mother and Father!